What is our Ultimate aim of Life?

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I am quite sure everyone must have asked this question to themselves atleast once in life: What is our Ultimate aim in life?

The majority must have gotten the answer as:

  • Money
  • Fame
  • Reputation
  • Family
  • I don’t know
  • I don’t want to complicate life by thinking about this 

If we break down each one of these responses in a logical way we will get to our answer to what is the Ultimate aim of life. Let us take the example of Money. One might think his ultimate aim is to earn a lot of wealth, to get his financial freedom. Now, let us assume that you get your financial freedom what you will do with it?

Perhaps you will buy expensive things, go on vacations, and spend the money on your loved ones. What each of these things will give you?

And answer to that question is what I think is the Ultimate goal in life is Happiness and a sense of satisfaction. I know it feels like a spiritual or religious answer. But it is logical too, just think about it every action you perform, it has the ultimate aim of feeling happiness or satisfaction. 

To explain this let me tell you a story:

“Once there was a very wise man who was very well read. One time an ambitious young man come to him and asked

‘O wise one you are so knowledgeable you could have gotten everything you wanted if you would have accepted the king’s offer to be in his council 15 years ago. Then what was the reason you didn’t accept the King’s offer?”

After thinking for a while the wise one replied “Before answering the question I need you to answer my few questions”

The young man replied “Sure I will answer all your questions”

The old man asked “what do you think I would have gotten after receiving all that wealth, fame, and power after becoming a part of the King’s council?”

The young man thought for a while and replied “It is every man’s dream to have all those things”

The wise man replied, “Let me ask you again what happens when you fulfill your dream?”

The young man now getting irritated said “I don’t know” and after thinking a while the young man replied “I guess it must feel good, it must give a sense of satisfaction”

The old man smiled and replied “Yes my child that is what I wanted to listen. And my child I would have achieved all the fame and money in the world but I wouldn’t be happy as I feel happy to be with my loved ones. I feel happy to stay in this village. To guide young minds like you. So if my ultimate aim of being happy is fulfilled here then why should I have become the part of King’s council?”

After a pause, the wise one continued “Don’t get me wrong, it is not bad to have ambition, to want more but don’t ever forget what that ambition will do. It will make you happy. So try to strive for great things but don’t ever compromise that for happiness.” 

So guys have ambitions but don’t ever compromise anything for that happiness of yours.

The Greedy Monk

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