How to handle hard times when everything seems lost!

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“Guruji why is life so full of pain and suffering? Even after being good and following the principles of dharma why does life doesn’t feel worth living?” Namo asked tearfully.

Guruji while looking at Namo intensely understood where this question was coming from. But he wanted Namo to put his feelings in words thus the Guruji asked “Namo first tell me what happened”

Namo looked into the eyes of Guruji and tried to structure his thoughts. Name said “I don’t know Guruji. My life is in a position where everything seems lost, and no amount of effort has any effect. I am failing at everything. I am not able to succeed in academics, I am not able to handle any of my relationships with my friends or family. My heart is unstable. It feels like there is only darkness till the end of the tunnel”

Guruji smiled at Namo and said “Namo first answer my few questions”

Namo stared at Guruji and nodded.

Guruji maintaining his eye contact with Namo asked “What happens when there is no rain?”

Namo perplexed at this question replied “Drought”

“Good. And what happens when there is excess rain?” Guruji asked 

Namo still staring intently at Guruji replied “Flood”

“Excellent. So, try to understand this Namo. Just like life cannot exist in excess rain or lack of rain, It is similar to happiness and sadness, success and failure. Only happiness and success will make a human egoistic and continuous sadness and failure will deprive a human of the motivation to live. Thus, there are phases in life where you think you are unstoppable and there are phases in life when it seems everything is going wrong. It is the nature of life.”

Namo contemplating the words of Guruji asked “So, what should one do in these circumstances Guruji”

After a moment of silence, Guruji continued “Let me explain this through a story. Once there was a great king. One day he asked his wise council to tell him something which will make him happy when he is sad and sad when he is happy. The council was perplexed at this strange request and started a discourse. But they were not able to get to a conclusion. At that point the wisest among them was silent. So, the King asked him ‘O wise one, please guide us. The wise one smiled and said the answer to this question is 

“This too shall pass”

Namo smiled understanding the depth of the statement and repeated “This too shall pass”

Looking at Namo, Guruji continued

“My child greatness is achieved when one learns to balance all successes and failures. In life, there comes a point where it may seem everything is lost. There is no reason for living. Everything and everyone you love may be with you yet far from you. At this point, do not lose hope. It is just a way life wants to test you. At that time, we need to evaluate every aspect of life in detail. Do not think of this moment as a failure but take this as an opportunity, as all your major flaws and weaknesses would present themselves. 

This is one of the rare moments you will face the main hurdle of your dream life i.e., yourself. This is a rock bottom moment, and if you don’t give up in this moment, you will rise and rise till you achieve what you wanted.”

Namo now with renewed enthusiasm and touched the legs of Guruji and said, “Thank you Guruji for showing that there is light at the end of every dark tunnel”.

The Greedy Monk

More from Tales of Namo:

Working Hard but with No Results

Life moves on. Thus you should too!

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